Sunday, November 8, 2009

I'm savouring a cup of coffee and balancing both a laptop and a cat. There are many other things I should be doing, and before you suggest that I lose the word should from my vocabulary, let me tell you that I am a school teacher and there is always something to be marked or planned and prepped.

After browsing through one of my favourite blogs, La Maison Boheme, I'm thinking about colour. When an I not thinking about colour? I am so colour driven it is how I buy clothes: scan the rack for a colour or pattern that appeals to me and then pull the item out to look at it.
It's also how I select images of interiors that appeal to me.

Today, I've posted images from my own home and from Flickr that appeal to me because of colour. I hope you enjoy them too.
Flickr image-I think San Francisco-Halifax, Nova Scotia is another place to find colourful houses like this.

My desk area on a relatively tidy day. I know it needs some serious stylin'

A segment of my mantle in the living room.

I am increasingly drawn to deep orange, especially russet.

This is a photo from flckr and not my actual desk, but it might as well be.

The dregs of my coffee are now quite cold and I can no longer pretend to be savouring. Off I go to my beautiful dining room which is usually covered in my school work-another photo for another day:)

1 comment:

Maria Killam said...

I love orange too! Love that area rug!