Sunday, December 6, 2009

My Messy Life:Part One of a Never Ending Series

Our garden is still in the upheaval of renovation.

The bird bath needs to be cleared and filled-poor birdies.

The sun is out and it is really bright so some of these photos are certainly reflecting that (a kind to myself way of saying they are overexposed)

Don't do much cleanup in the fall, leave the garden debris for the birds and bugs.

The best garden boots ever-neoprene and soft and warm. These are quite selective photos meant to make the garden look better than it really does. The sun is so beautiful I just had to go outside. And besides, all that sun pouring in the windows shows u all of the dust in the house. Too disheartening. Why oh why and I someone who loves clean and tidy but hates housework. If it were spring I would be outside justifying not doing the housework by all the garden jobs there are to do. I don't have that excuse today, so off I go to clean the house. Bye.

1 comment:

Laura said...

I too adore a clean house but hate expending the work to make it so! Lovely jealous of all of that nature...